Our Contact Details

0330 236 6522

Postal Address

14 Hudson Gardens, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO89FA, United Kingdom

Registration Details

UmbHost Limited is a registered company in England & Wales number 13442798. VAT Registration Number 385 4185 68.

Please note our support hours are as follows:

Sales: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*
Accounts: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*
Tech Support: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*

Out of hours tech support is available on request at our hourly rate

*The timezone is either GMT or BST depending on which is currently being observed by the United Kingdom

If your query is related to your hosting service, take a look through our Knowledgebase, your question may already be answered, if you need to contact us for any other reason, please choose from one of the support departments below

Contact Us

Fields marked with an * (asterisk) are required

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